Construction of the CCJ started in 1999
The CCJ operation started in June 2000 at 1/3 scale.
- 43 user�fs account created.
Hardware/upgrade and software improvement :
- 224 Linux CPU(90k Specint2000), 21 TB disk, 100TB HPSS Tape library
- Data Duplicating Facility at BNL RCF started operation in Dec 2000.
PHENIX Year -1 experiment : summer in 2000
- Analysis of the PHENIX first experiment with CCJ
- Official DST (v03) Product ion
- Simulations
- Detector calibration/simulation
- Physics analysis/simulation
- Quark Matter 2001 conference (Jan 2001)
- 21 papers using CCJ / total 33 PHENIX papers
PHENIX Year 2 (2001) Run started in August 2001
Spin experiments at RHIC will start in December 2001 !!